Elections by Merit, and Symbols of Public Power


Elections by Merit

The Executive Ombudsman, the Heads of the Expert Agencies and the Justices of the Supreme Court are elected by a public vote.


Candidates for each office must demonstrate at least ten years of relevant experience in their area of specialization. 


he Election Agency selects eight preliminary candidates for each office, by lot, from the list of qualified and willing candidates. The public Election Panels may narrow the list of candidates or by polls that evaluate the candidates. The Election Panels are similar in composition and operation to the other public panels. Finally, the top two candidates for each office are presented for national vote.


In a fair system, candidates are chosen only by merit. However, human judgement may be affected by personal factors that are unrelated to the office such as race, gender, wealth, physical appearance and personal charisma. Judgements based on these factors are not fair for the candidates who are entitled to an objective appraisal of their opinions rather than the unrelated factors described above.  It is also not fair for the public who may be mislead by such factors and may not choose the best candidate for the office. To secure fair elections, candidates run for office anonymously. Of course, the qualifications of the candidates and their views on matters relating to the office are presented to the public.


Officials are elected for a term of ten years. Officials can be removed by a 75% vote in recall referendum.

Symbols of Public Power

In a democracy power belongs to the public, and citizens must have an equal chance to experience the honors that symbolize that power.


For example, three citizens (and an alternate) are chosen by lot for a six-month term as Representatives of State and instructed in protocol. The Representatives of State sign international treaties that have been approved by the appropriate Expert Agency, receive foreign dignitaries, distribute awards, and in general represent the State at ceremonial occasions.


The trappings of power are a major inducement to power-seekers. This temptation is reduced when the trappings of power are dispersed to the public.